Calling all movers and shakers. Are you ready to become an even more engaged citizen? Do you want to know more about the goings-on in our city before they happen? You can make your voice heard by serving as a member on one of Nashville’s ~75 boards and commissions.
As a board member, you can weigh in on topics like appearance or planning, advise on changes to our local parks + greenways, or contribute to historic development and preservation of properties.
How can you start learning about Nashville’s boards as well as how to become involved with one? Find the application on Metro’s online portal, which also allows you to learn more about each opportunity’s purpose and goal.
Who can apply?
Any citizen residing in Nashville can apply. Pro tip: Depending on the position, certain subject matter expertise may be required.
Where do I find vacancies?
Any board that is accepting applications will have a button at the bottom of its webpage that reads “Express Interest to Become a Board or Commission Member.” When you click on the button, an application form will automatically populate.
What are some of Nashville’s boards and commissions?
Each board and commission focuses on a specific topic and offers recommendations to elected government officials with the goal of shaping local policies. Some of Nashville’s boards include the Sports Authority, Continuum of Care Homelessness Planning Council, Farmers Market Board, Parks and Recreation Board, and Stormwater Management Commission.