“Eye of the Tiger” Eyes on the tiger. The Nashville Zoo announced Sumatran tigers Anne and Felix were expecting in late August. Now, the team confirmed three cubs will make their arrival within the next 2-3 weeks — based on the typical 100-day tiger gestation.
There are only 400-600 Sumatran tigers in the world, which makes the subspecies an endangered one. Anne arrived from the San Diego Zoo in December, while the father, Felix, has been at the Nashville Zoo since January 2021. The tigers were paired as breeding partners per recommendation, and Anne became pregnant after spending just one week in the same enclosure.
Ready to earn your stripes? The zoo hopes to offer a live video feed of the cubs post-arrival. Pending any extra care they may need after birth, it’s the staff’s hope that they’ll grow up at the zoo with Anne and eventually be placed in the outside enclosure where the public can see them.