Metro Public Works’ new recycling app

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Recycling app | Image via Pexels

Did you know that a large amount of items being recycled can’t actually be processed? Enter Nashville Waste and RecyclingMetro Public Works ’ new mobile app that can keep you in the know about what can be recycled and how to dispose of items that can’t be. ♻️

The app’s “Waste Wizard ” feature allows users to type in a range of items and will populate how + where to get rid of them. The list pulls from a bank of 200+ items including paper towels, pet waste, pumpkins, plastic buckets, refrigerators + candle jars. Not only are waste, recycle + drop-off centers listed — the app will also generate donation centers for reusable items such as books. 📚

During the 2020-21 fiscal year, 38,100+ tons of material was recycled in Davidson County. While this is a great accomplishment, according to Metro’s data, 46% of what is being thrown in recycling bins can’t actually be recycled, causing an unnecessary amount of items to go to the landfill.

As part of Metro + Davidson County Solid Waste Region Board’s Long-Term Zero Waste Master Plan , this app aims to help achieve the county’s zero waste to landfill goal.

Another cool feature? The app can send you reminders to take your recycling bins out on your designated pickup day , and, if you’re anything like me (Katie here 👋), this is an absolute life saver.

Along with this new platform, Metro offers various live webinars where the community can discuss + ask questions about recycling.


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