NDOT is paving the way for a new complete streets project — this time East Nashville.
First, what exactly are complete streets? Similar to the 12th Avenue South project completed last year, the Gallatin Pike and Main Street Vision Plan seeks to transform segments of Main Street and Gallatin Pike into roadways that accommodate all users, including those who drive, walk, bike, and take transit. Think: Improved street lighting + more sidewalks and crosswalks.
According to the project timeline, the Main Street segment (South 5th Street to South 10th Street) will be prioritized due to paving needs. The Gallatin Pike segment (South 10th Street to Briley Parkway) will come later and complement the Main Street design.
This is where you come in. In an effort to have project recommendations completed this spring, NDOT is asking residents to complete this online survey or build your complete street using this interactive tool.